Saturday, January 9, 2010

drama updated...

Pipes still frozen as of 11:00 am on Saturday morning...we worked on getting it unthawed until about midnight last night and gave up. Of course this was after attempting to get the load of clothes in the washer through the rinse/spin cycle by letting the water drain into a tub for us to empty instead of through the pipe. Lets just say things didn't do quite as planned. Ahhh, just one of those evenings that you're thankful for a warm bed, cuddly boys (my favorite and my furry favorite), and the fact that one day this episode WILL be funny, right? RIGHT? :)

Matt behind the washer/dryer trying to soak up the flood.

Hauling the rinse water to the bathtub (before the second flood).
I stopped documenting after the second one, the humor was totally gone.

As for today...we actually have a few plans! The first of which is to get Roscoe dog a bath. He hasn't had one in quite some time (even after two trips to the ranch) and is starting to get quite dusty. It's too cold out to bath him outdoors, and Matt and I are not so into wrangling him in the bathtub with out belly/boot combo that's so sexy. Sooo...Roscoe gets his first trip to Petco today for a bath and deshedding treatment. He is going to hate it, I can tell you that - but I hope it goes OK for the people working there. He's a big guy!

This evening, we have a few friends coming over to celebrate my 29th birthday...I think that there is also roller derby in the plans. We're a bit bummed as we found out this may be the last bout of roller derby at the MidSouth Fairgrounds, which is so easy and convenient to our house. Hopefully the roller derby crew finds a new location not far where we can still get to their bouts every once in a while. For those of you thinking we're crazy for loving roller derby...don't judge until you've tried it - it's really too much fun!

OK - off to make some coffee, wake my boys, work on the pipe...

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