So, it's taken quite a while to get this post up - we've been quite busy around here! I'll do my best and start from the beginning...
Wednesday January 13th was my regularly scheduled weekly appointment with Dr. Crenshaw. My blood pressure was slightly elevated and had been for the past couple of weeks, but other than that there were no reasons for concern. I returned to work after my appointment and got a headache that afternoon - which I contributed to a sinus cold I have been dealing with since returning home from Christmas in Indiana. Wednesday afternoon my BP at the nurses office wasn't I tried to take it easy Wednesday night. Thursday afternoon, my headache was not any better and my left arm was oddly numb - and my BP was once again elevated. By Friday January 15th- all of these things were still persistent and my BP over lunch was 138/84. I called my Dr's office to see what they thought and they worked me in that afternoon. By the time I got to the office, my BP was 148/110. Dr. Crenshaw was not enthusiastic about that and knowing my sister Jessi's history with HELLP syndrome - decided that it was "baby day". Imagine the shock on our faces - I totally expected him to send me home with a "rest on your left side for the weekend" and return the next Wednesday for my scheduled appointment. Not only that, but Dr. Crenshaw had Matt take me straight to the hospital - no time for going home, showering, grabbing my bags, etc. So - off we went to have a baby!
We arrived at the hospital, checked in, and the nurses started my IV and started pitocin immediately. My sweet Aunt Becky came to sit with me while Matt quickly drove home to get our bags for our hospital stay. Soon after Matt left, they drew some blood to run more tests. The results of the blood work were not so great - HELLP syndrome. Elevated liver enzymes and a low platelet count - combined with my high blood pressure. So...they began to increase the pitocin every 10 minutes and began magnesium sulfate to keep the toxemia under control. At this point, I was very anxious for Matt to return! The magnesium sulfate was awful - fire running through my veins is the only way I know to describe it. Sparing other details - we'll just say that it made me extremely nauseous. A few minutes after starting the mag, the Dr. came in to break my water. This all happened so fast - it was quite unbelievable - not to mention that Matt was missing it all! I was very anxious for his return!
Matt arrived back with our bags and my contractions were now 3 minutes apart and getting stronger. The nurses informed me as soon as we checked in that I could have my epidural at any time since I was already 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I wanted to wait at least a bit before getting the epidural - I wanted to be 100% sure I wanted the drugs. After about 30 minutes of hard contractions - I knew if I waited much longer I wouldn't be able to sit still through the epidural and I didn't want to be one of "those" patients. The epidural was amazing and I was instantly calmed. So calm I took a two hour nap!
Around 10:00 I woke up and to my surprise was 9 cm (after falling asleep at 3 cm!) but Nash was still floating and not engaged. Dr. Diane Long (Dr. Crenshaw's partner who was on call that evening) said that we would wait out another hour of contractions to let them work the baby down. When she returned around 11:00, I was no longer 9 cm but 8 cm and Nash was still not engaged. She gave us (me, nurses, Nash) another hour to get things moving down in the right direction or we were going to have to talk about 'other options' (cesarean). I wasn't really into that, and the nurses knew this - so off they went positioning me in attempt to get Nash to move down. To our pleasure, when Dr. Long returned at midnight - I was completely ready. 10 cm, completely effaced, and Nash was in perfect position - it was about to be baby time!
Matt called my parents a few minutes after we're realizing we get to meet our sweet kiddo, Matt called my parents who were on their way from Indiana. They were just getting off of the highway in Memphis as I was beginning to push - Matt's last words to my daddy were "Joe, hustle". From that point, I was concentrating on pushing with the help of nurses and Matt. In between contractions, I continually was looking for my mom to walk in the door of labor and delivery (the nurses had strict instructions that no matter what point I was at - my mom should be allowed through those doors!). The door would open and all I could say was "Mom? Mom?" and it was the towel lady. Then the trash guy. I asked Matt "Who next, Santa Claus?". Seriously - the number of people in and out of the room during the most action filled hour of the night - it was quite ridiculous.
So, after about 25 minutes of pushing - I hear the Dr. say that the head was out and I look at Matt who had tears in his eyes. Just as this is happening, the door opens - and my mom walks through. One more push and at 12:53 a.m. on January 16 2010, and Nash Thomas Murphy joined the world. By the time he was on my belly, my mom was by my bedside and Matt was cutting the cord (which was wrapped twice around Nash's neck). Those 5 minutes were absolutely the most amazing 5 minutes of my life to date. I am sure that every new mom says that, but seeing the look on Matt's face and the tears in his eyes, hearing Nash's sweet cry for the first time, and seeing him stare into my eyes and knowing that I was his mommy - pretty incredible and I am so thankful that God brought him into our lives safe and sound. A few minutes later, Daddy and Aunt Becky were able to come back and meet him. Daddy was definitely pretty proud of his new grandson, you could see it in his eyes - even though he may not say it out loud. Aunt Becky just kept repeating how "perfect" he was. We completely agree!
We were able to cuddle with him for about 20 minutes before they took him away and cleaned him up. He weighed 5 pounds 12.7 ounces and was 18 inches long. We then continued to cuddle until about 3 a.m. when they took him to the nursery for some more tests and screening - Matt went out to get some food for him and my mom. I was still on the magnesium sulfate and therefore still couldn't have anything to eat or drink. They wanted to keep me on the mag for 12 hours after birth - but my vision started to get very blurry and I was very they 'broke the rules' and disconnected the mag from my IV around 4:30 a.m. It was instant relief!
I was still in labor/delivery/recovery when Frank and Annie arrived around 8:00 a.m. They also drove straight through from Pennsylvania when they heard the news of Nash's pending arrival. It was quite a sight to watch them meet their first grandchild and see Matt acting as 'daddy' for the first time. We ooohed and ahhed at Nash Thomas until about 9:30 a.m. when they had my postpartum room ready. Matt and I managed a nap that afternoon before the barage of visitors began - but we wouldn't have had it any other way! We were extremely excited to show off our new little love and proud to call ourselves his parents.
We were in the hospital until Monday afternoon around 1:00. We were able to get some much needed rest during the nights - Nash would sleep in the nursery between feedings and his sweet nurses (which we loved!) would bring him in the room to eat. The trip home was pretty surreal - knowing that this little man is in our lives forever and he is our sole responsibility. Quite incredible and a journey we're very excited about.
Frank and Annie were able to stay through Wednesday evening of that week, while my parents drove home a few hours after we got settled back in at home. Annie and Frank were amazing while they were here - cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc - not to mention the great company. We were sad to see them leave but are already looking forward to their return trip! My mom flew back the Friday after Frank and Annie left and has been amazing as well - continuing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc frenzy. My floors have never been so free of Roscoe dog hair! My mom leaves on Tuesday morning which I'm sure will be an emotional experience - although I know it has to happen sometime!
There are many more pictures and news to share, but this post is quite long at this point...I'll stop here. Posts to come - first week at home, Roscoe's adjustment, a visit from Nash's aunties, uncles, and cousins!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
38.5 week Dr. Appointment
This morning was my weekly Dr. appointment with Dr. Crenshaw...and we have PROGRESS. Just a pinch of progress, but I was just thankful there was something happening after all the contractions I've been having over the last week - I am 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -2 station (baby is moving on down). My BP wasn't horrible, but not great (126/84) - so I'm going to keep watching it and having the nurse here check periodically at work. Nash's heart rate was in the low 140's, and I'm still measuring a little behind at 37 weeks (I'm OK with that - hopefully this means Nash will be accommodating and not be a huge baby!). Other than that, it was a pretty routine appointment and I'll go back next Wednesday - assuming baby is still hanging out in my belly (ok, ok, in my ribs really). I'm assuming we'll talk induction dates if nothing has happened by then. I would definitely rather things happen on their own so I do not have to be induced, but with the risks associated with going past due and GD - I'm willing to listen to Dr. Crenshaw's advice and be cooperative. (And the more uncomfortable I get...the more open I am to the discussion!)
In other news...our washer drain pipe is officially unfrozen. I've done two successful (not resulting in a flooded laundry room) loads of laundry since - yay for clean clothes! Our "to do" list is getting shorter each day...Matt installed the window treatments upstairs as of last evening - thanks baby! It's taking some getting used to, but I think we'll really like not having to hide from the street as we sit on the toilet! We do need to get the curtains hemmed - but one task at a time, right? Nash's bag is officially packed for the hospital, and mine is pretty darn close. Matt's bag will be packed at the last minute I'm sure - he is so much better at that than me, I will inevitably forget something if I don't pack using a list!
We'll try to get a 39 week picture up on Friday - THIRTY NINE WEEKS - holy cow. Seriously? I'm going to be a momma! Soon, and very soon. Whoa.
In other news...our washer drain pipe is officially unfrozen. I've done two successful (not resulting in a flooded laundry room) loads of laundry since - yay for clean clothes! Our "to do" list is getting shorter each day...Matt installed the window treatments upstairs as of last evening - thanks baby! It's taking some getting used to, but I think we'll really like not having to hide from the street as we sit on the toilet! We do need to get the curtains hemmed - but one task at a time, right? Nash's bag is officially packed for the hospital, and mine is pretty darn close. Matt's bag will be packed at the last minute I'm sure - he is so much better at that than me, I will inevitably forget something if I don't pack using a list!
We'll try to get a 39 week picture up on Friday - THIRTY NINE WEEKS - holy cow. Seriously? I'm going to be a momma! Soon, and very soon. Whoa.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
drama updated...
Pipes still frozen as of 11:00 am on Saturday morning...we worked on getting it unthawed until about midnight last night and gave up. Of course this was after attempting to get the load of clothes in the washer through the rinse/spin cycle by letting the water drain into a tub for us to empty instead of through the pipe. Lets just say things didn't do quite as planned. Ahhh, just one of those evenings that you're thankful for a warm bed, cuddly boys (my favorite and my furry favorite), and the fact that one day this episode WILL be funny, right? RIGHT? :)
Matt behind the washer/dryer trying to soak up the flood.
Hauling the rinse water to the bathtub (before the second flood).
I stopped documenting after the second one, the humor was totally gone.
I stopped documenting after the second one, the humor was totally gone.
As for today...we actually have a few plans! The first of which is to get Roscoe dog a bath. He hasn't had one in quite some time (even after two trips to the ranch) and is starting to get quite dusty. It's too cold out to bath him outdoors, and Matt and I are not so into wrangling him in the bathtub with out belly/boot combo that's so sexy. Sooo...Roscoe gets his first trip to Petco today for a bath and deshedding treatment. He is going to hate it, I can tell you that - but I hope it goes OK for the people working there. He's a big guy!
This evening, we have a few friends coming over to celebrate my 29th birthday...I think that there is also roller derby in the plans. We're a bit bummed as we found out this may be the last bout of roller derby at the MidSouth Fairgrounds, which is so easy and convenient to our house. Hopefully the roller derby crew finds a new location not far where we can still get to their bouts every once in a while. For those of you thinking we're crazy for loving roller derby...don't judge until you've tried it - it's really too much fun!
OK - off to make some coffee, wake my boys, work on the pipe...
This evening, we have a few friends coming over to celebrate my 29th birthday...I think that there is also roller derby in the plans. We're a bit bummed as we found out this may be the last bout of roller derby at the MidSouth Fairgrounds, which is so easy and convenient to our house. Hopefully the roller derby crew finds a new location not far where we can still get to their bouts every once in a while. For those of you thinking we're crazy for loving roller derby...don't judge until you've tried it - it's really too much fun!
OK - off to make some coffee, wake my boys, work on the pipe...
Friday, January 8, 2010
38 weeks today! (Plus a little dinner and drama...)
HOLY GOODNESS! 38 weeks is so surreal that Matt and I will be caring for a new human being in a few short weeks! We are definitely ready to meet little Nash...I definitely and getting very anxious to find out if Nash has girl parts or boy parts! For 38 weeks, I would still consider myself lucky for feeling pretty good. There are definitely uncomfortable times, but generally I feel OK. BH contractions have definitely kicked into high gear - my Dr. calls them my "homework". Heartburn is at it's peak, my feet and ankles definitely are swollen by the time I get home from work, and little Nash's movements are limited to rolls and stretches - not much room left in there!
Nash is estimated to be about the size of a leek according to - 6.8 lbs and 19.5 inches long. All organs are mature and ready for life outside of my belly! According to our latest ultrasound on Wednesday of this week, Nash was estimated to weight 6 lbs and 4 oz and is in the 25th percentile for gestational age. They performed a biophysical profile to be sure all things looked OK, that baby was growing as he/she should be, that baby wasn't too big because of my gestational diabetes, that there was enough fluid, etc. Nash and I passed with flying colors! In addition, my BP was great - back to my normal 110/70 and there was no dilation change from last week - still at 1 cm. Dr. Crenshaw didn't want to talk induction dates just yet because everything looked so good, and we're totally OK with that. We'd much rather have little Nash come on his/her own time!
37 weeks (Jan 1)
Now for the dinner and drama...
It's a fun filled night at the Murphy home. Matthew is cooking me dinner for my birthday (my actual birthday is Sunday) and below is proof:
Isn't he adorable ? :)

Sirloin steaks and asparagus on the grill (did I mention it's 16 with a wind chill of 11 out? and he's grilling for me??) and some pretty yummy smelling onion/rotel scalloped potatoes. I can't wait to eat! Thank you for being so sweet baby...I love it when I don't have to cook - always a great birthday present!
So, while Matt was so graciously making dinner, I thought I would do a load of laundry knowing Matt would want to wear his new Eagles sweatshirt for the game tomorrow. Sort the laundry, fill the washer, add detergent, add clothes, spin cycle...and then the dreaded sound of water rushing as the washer began to drain. BLUH. Our pipes must have frozen in this crazy cold weather Memphis has been experiencing. And I'm not quite in condition to pull out the dryer/washer and mop up all the water that had now flooded our laundry room, let alone crawl under the house and try to deal with unfreezing the pipe. (If only I washed clothes on hot - this is what I get for attempting to be environmentally friendly by using cold water all of the time..) after our yummy yummy dinner we're about to eat - Matthew has to crawl under the house in an attempt to unfreeze the pipe. We're not brave enough to leave it, considering it's supposed to be colder tonight and the water that DID make it down the drain is sure to freeze. Lovely!
One last (but not least) item - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE! My mother in law, Annie, is celebrating her birthday today and we wish her all the best. Looks like she's out of the running though to share a birthday with Nash, unless something crazy happens in the next 5 hours! Happy birthday Annie...we hope you are having a great day - we love you!
Nash is estimated to be about the size of a leek according to - 6.8 lbs and 19.5 inches long. All organs are mature and ready for life outside of my belly! According to our latest ultrasound on Wednesday of this week, Nash was estimated to weight 6 lbs and 4 oz and is in the 25th percentile for gestational age. They performed a biophysical profile to be sure all things looked OK, that baby was growing as he/she should be, that baby wasn't too big because of my gestational diabetes, that there was enough fluid, etc. Nash and I passed with flying colors! In addition, my BP was great - back to my normal 110/70 and there was no dilation change from last week - still at 1 cm. Dr. Crenshaw didn't want to talk induction dates just yet because everything looked so good, and we're totally OK with that. We'd much rather have little Nash come on his/her own time!
Now for the dinner and drama...
It's a fun filled night at the Murphy home. Matthew is cooking me dinner for my birthday (my actual birthday is Sunday) and below is proof:
Sirloin steaks and asparagus on the grill (did I mention it's 16 with a wind chill of 11 out? and he's grilling for me??) and some pretty yummy smelling onion/rotel scalloped potatoes. I can't wait to eat! Thank you for being so sweet baby...I love it when I don't have to cook - always a great birthday present!
So, while Matt was so graciously making dinner, I thought I would do a load of laundry knowing Matt would want to wear his new Eagles sweatshirt for the game tomorrow. Sort the laundry, fill the washer, add detergent, add clothes, spin cycle...and then the dreaded sound of water rushing as the washer began to drain. BLUH. Our pipes must have frozen in this crazy cold weather Memphis has been experiencing. And I'm not quite in condition to pull out the dryer/washer and mop up all the water that had now flooded our laundry room, let alone crawl under the house and try to deal with unfreezing the pipe. (If only I washed clothes on hot - this is what I get for attempting to be environmentally friendly by using cold water all of the time..) after our yummy yummy dinner we're about to eat - Matthew has to crawl under the house in an attempt to unfreeze the pipe. We're not brave enough to leave it, considering it's supposed to be colder tonight and the water that DID make it down the drain is sure to freeze. Lovely!
One last (but not least) item - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE! My mother in law, Annie, is celebrating her birthday today and we wish her all the best. Looks like she's out of the running though to share a birthday with Nash, unless something crazy happens in the next 5 hours! Happy birthday Annie...we hope you are having a great day - we love you!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Christmas in IN, More Baby Showers, and 36 Weeks
Warning: long post, lots of pics
Matt and I drove home to my parents house in Indiana on the 18th of December - we made really great time considering someone in the car had a few extra potty breaks to take (hint: it wasn't Roscoe or Matt). The most memorable part of the evening...the trucker climbing out of his truck in southern Indiana who took one look at my belly and said "Guess we're having a Christmas baby, aren't we?!?". The only response I could muster was "We hope not!", when in reality I was thinking to myself "Wow, I must look enormous". Of course my sweet favorite attempted to reassure worked...sort of.
We spent our time in Indiana sleeping in, eating home cooked breakfast (thanks Daddy for all the bacon...Nash's first 'sound' may be very similar to an oink!), playing with Roscoe in the snow, spending time with my family and spoiling my sweet nieces. It's easiest to break it down by here goes:
Sunday, 20th:
We all went to church where the kids did a skit and some testimony for the service. We spent most of the morning in awe of the gigantic Christmas tree that was in the sanctuary. I can't describe how big it was and I don't have a picture, but it was enough of an "event" to get it in the church that someone recorded the feat and made a DVD. After church, my sweet sisters threw me a baby shower in Bluffton for friends and family who live near there. It was a great time (and great pizza!) and I loved getting to catch up with everyone who was able to join: Jessi (and M's), Katy, mom, Aunt Karen, Jenny, Kelly Kober, Donna, Sarah, and Madison. I don't have any pics from my camera from this shower, but I'll get some from my sisters and post them as soon as I do! Sunday evening, mom and dad watched the girls while the 6 of us (me, Matt, Jess, Ty, Katy, Clint) went to Granite City in Fort Wayne for dinner and drinks. No craziness considering some had to work the next day, but it was so nice to get to spend time with my favorite girls in the world and their boys - something I wish I could do more of!
Monday, 21st:
M duty! Matt and I got up (to the smell of bacon frying) and drove to Jessi and Ty's to hang out with the babies for a bit until they had their 12 week well baby checkup. I helped Jessi with the girls at the Dr's office while Matt headed home. The babies already weigh close to 11 pounds each! After the appointment, we stopped in OB to see mom and she put me on the monitors for a non stress test and to watch my blood pressure. My BP wasn't great, but not awful - so nurse mom prescribed more rest on my left side. I headed back to Jessi's to wait until Katy was off of work so we could look at a few houses she was interested in and Matt played racquetball with Tyler.
More of the same...loving on M's, home cooked breakfast, playing with Roscoe dog. Matt had the thrilling experience of coyote hunting with my daddy and we were able to catch up with Krista and Ian and the rest of the Kober clan (less Patrick) on Wednesday afternoon.
Friday, 25th:
Christmas dinner was at my parents house with the whole crew and way too much yummy food - an 18 lb ham and a 14 lb turkey was plenty for 14 of us! We exchanged gifts with the extended family and then exchanged gifts with immediate family after everyone had cleared out.
Saturday, 26th:
We packed up the car and drove south to Bloomington to spend the next few days with my mom's extended family, but not until after a visit from the McMillans and Reiffs. I got to see all my girls (just not all at the same time) and was so excited to get to see Kelly and her cute preggy belly! After arriving in Bloomington, we spent the evening catching up with Grandma Harshman on her birthday, having pizza from the Pizzeria on Kirkwood, and letting Roscoe get used to a new environment.
Sunday, 27th:
Mom and Grandma were up bright and early prepping food for dinner while my sisters were prepping for another baby shower! They're so sweet! Instead of having my mom's family drive up from Bloomington for the previous shower they broke it down into two smaller showers and both of them were great. I can absolutely not think of another single item that little Nash will need when he/she makes an appearance! After the shower, a late lunch was served and I am 100% positive I went over my carb allowance with all the dumplings and desserts. Ooops! Totally worth it though! The evening was spent watching my little cousins play with Roscoe and playing cards with the "big kids". We then rented the Hangover...I'm sure Nash did not appreciate it - I laughed so hard I had contractions all night!

Katy, me, Jessi - my sisters and shower hostesses!
Brendan and Jordan - two on one tug of war
Grandma and Mom - thank God for dumplings and dumpling makers!
me, Macy, Mya, Matt
36 week belly pic in the snow - brr!

Monday, 28th:
The drive back to Memphis went pretty well after sleeping in and packing up the car (not an easy task!). Although we did look for a DQ for over 3 hours, all was well once my oreo/peppermint Blizzard was in hand! We arrived back in Memphis around 9:15, just in time to see the end of the Hoosier game where we lost Maurice Creek to a fractured kneecap for the rest of the season. Bummer. The baby Hoosiers won the game, and it was off to bed for us...nothing is as great as reacquainting yourself with your own bed after an extended time away.
It was great to spend the time in Indiana, but bittersweet to be away from the Murphy/Koch crew in Pennsylvania as well. I know we'll always be missing the "other side" whenever we're in the opposite state and that it is just impossible to be in two separate places at once - but it doesn't make it any easier!
We hope all of our family and friends had a Merry Christmas and a great time with loved ones as we did this year!
Matt and I drove home to my parents house in Indiana on the 18th of December - we made really great time considering someone in the car had a few extra potty breaks to take (hint: it wasn't Roscoe or Matt). The most memorable part of the evening...the trucker climbing out of his truck in southern Indiana who took one look at my belly and said "Guess we're having a Christmas baby, aren't we?!?". The only response I could muster was "We hope not!", when in reality I was thinking to myself "Wow, I must look enormous". Of course my sweet favorite attempted to reassure worked...sort of.
We spent our time in Indiana sleeping in, eating home cooked breakfast (thanks Daddy for all the bacon...Nash's first 'sound' may be very similar to an oink!), playing with Roscoe in the snow, spending time with my family and spoiling my sweet nieces. It's easiest to break it down by here goes:
Saturday, 19th:
Mya and Macy
Couldn't wait to get my hands on my sweet M's. We totally crashed Tyler's parents' house to love on the twins. Rick and Terri - thanks for letting us interrupt! We didn't stay long, but it was enough to hold me over! Mom and I went to Muncie to get some last minute shopping in and that evening Katy and Clint came over and Daddy cooked ribs - mmm.
Sunday, 20th:
We all went to church where the kids did a skit and some testimony for the service. We spent most of the morning in awe of the gigantic Christmas tree that was in the sanctuary. I can't describe how big it was and I don't have a picture, but it was enough of an "event" to get it in the church that someone recorded the feat and made a DVD. After church, my sweet sisters threw me a baby shower in Bluffton for friends and family who live near there. It was a great time (and great pizza!) and I loved getting to catch up with everyone who was able to join: Jessi (and M's), Katy, mom, Aunt Karen, Jenny, Kelly Kober, Donna, Sarah, and Madison. I don't have any pics from my camera from this shower, but I'll get some from my sisters and post them as soon as I do! Sunday evening, mom and dad watched the girls while the 6 of us (me, Matt, Jess, Ty, Katy, Clint) went to Granite City in Fort Wayne for dinner and drinks. No craziness considering some had to work the next day, but it was so nice to get to spend time with my favorite girls in the world and their boys - something I wish I could do more of!
Monday, 21st:
M duty! Matt and I got up (to the smell of bacon frying) and drove to Jessi and Ty's to hang out with the babies for a bit until they had their 12 week well baby checkup. I helped Jessi with the girls at the Dr's office while Matt headed home. The babies already weigh close to 11 pounds each! After the appointment, we stopped in OB to see mom and she put me on the monitors for a non stress test and to watch my blood pressure. My BP wasn't great, but not awful - so nurse mom prescribed more rest on my left side. I headed back to Jessi's to wait until Katy was off of work so we could look at a few houses she was interested in and Matt played racquetball with Tyler.
More of the same...loving on M's, home cooked breakfast, playing with Roscoe dog. Matt had the thrilling experience of coyote hunting with my daddy and we were able to catch up with Krista and Ian and the rest of the Kober clan (less Patrick) on Wednesday afternoon.
Friday, 25th:
Christmas dinner was at my parents house with the whole crew and way too much yummy food - an 18 lb ham and a 14 lb turkey was plenty for 14 of us! We exchanged gifts with the extended family and then exchanged gifts with immediate family after everyone had cleared out.
Saturday, 26th:
We packed up the car and drove south to Bloomington to spend the next few days with my mom's extended family, but not until after a visit from the McMillans and Reiffs. I got to see all my girls (just not all at the same time) and was so excited to get to see Kelly and her cute preggy belly! After arriving in Bloomington, we spent the evening catching up with Grandma Harshman on her birthday, having pizza from the Pizzeria on Kirkwood, and letting Roscoe get used to a new environment.
Sunday, 27th:
Mom and Grandma were up bright and early prepping food for dinner while my sisters were prepping for another baby shower! They're so sweet! Instead of having my mom's family drive up from Bloomington for the previous shower they broke it down into two smaller showers and both of them were great. I can absolutely not think of another single item that little Nash will need when he/she makes an appearance! After the shower, a late lunch was served and I am 100% positive I went over my carb allowance with all the dumplings and desserts. Ooops! Totally worth it though! The evening was spent watching my little cousins play with Roscoe and playing cards with the "big kids". We then rented the Hangover...I'm sure Nash did not appreciate it - I laughed so hard I had contractions all night!


my sweet M's in the "all I want for Christmas is my auntie" outfits,
courtesy of their favorite Auntie Amy! ;)
Macy on the left, Mya on the right, Nash in the middle
courtesy of their favorite Auntie Amy! ;)
Macy on the left, Mya on the right, Nash in the middle
Monday, 28th:
The drive back to Memphis went pretty well after sleeping in and packing up the car (not an easy task!). Although we did look for a DQ for over 3 hours, all was well once my oreo/peppermint Blizzard was in hand! We arrived back in Memphis around 9:15, just in time to see the end of the Hoosier game where we lost Maurice Creek to a fractured kneecap for the rest of the season. Bummer. The baby Hoosiers won the game, and it was off to bed for us...nothing is as great as reacquainting yourself with your own bed after an extended time away.
It was great to spend the time in Indiana, but bittersweet to be away from the Murphy/Koch crew in Pennsylvania as well. I know we'll always be missing the "other side" whenever we're in the opposite state and that it is just impossible to be in two separate places at once - but it doesn't make it any easier!
We hope all of our family and friends had a Merry Christmas and a great time with loved ones as we did this year!
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