Monday, August 23, 2010

Nash's First Day of School

So, the day came...and tears were shed (only by momma)...but we all survived.  And I think he's going to love it.  It was definitely harder for me...

We started Nash at daycare today - a Bright Horizons center associated with the Dollar General world headquarters - so we could both transition to a new schedule before I go back to work next Monday.  I can take him when he wakes up in the mornings, and pick him up whenever I can't stand being away from him anymore.  Not sure what I'll do with myself for the week...maybe a nap?  some shopping?  That all feels so selfish though...if I'm home, I want to be with my favorite little man.

Digressing...I really do think he'll love it.  He jumped right in and started playing with the other kiddos who are all right around his age.  His teachers are very loving and didn't make me feel like a wacko for being so concerned about him.   The room is so much fun - bright and cheery (and most importantly - VERY clean), he's going to be so entertained, it will be great.

I dropped him off around 10 and picked him up at 3...maybe by the end of the week we'll work up to a full day?

Fat chance..

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